The project |
The working group on libre software was created at the initiative
of the Information Society Directorate General, with the purpose
to analyze the free software phenomenon, create a set of recommendations
for the Community and create a paper to be presented to the
The group featured both people from the Commission and representative
members from the EU countries.
After several meeting, the group finalized a paper, edited by
Carlo Daffara and Jesús M. González-Barahona and presented at
the IST'99
conference in Helsinki, during the special session track
on libre software, and at the workshop on free software held
the 23 of March 2000 in Brussels.
The 1.2 version (work-in-progress) of the paper is available
for download at the following location in PDF format:paper.pdf
and in html: paper
there is also a compressed tar.gz file of the html paper:paper.tgz
The TeX paper is currently maintained through CVS in the SourceForge
site at the address http://sourceforge.net/project/?group_id=2267
where you can download and browser through the CVS updates to
the paper.
A local mirror is available here:paper.tex,paper.bib,paper.ps.
A mailing list has been prepared for the further discussion
of the issue connected with open source, subscription is available
by writing at the address
freesw-request@conecta.it with the subject "subscribe".
Cordis has prepared a page with Free/Open source activities in European programmes, available at
Many additional informations can also be found at the IDA (Interchange of Data between Administrations) homepage, at http://europa.eu.int/ISPO/ida
For information request you can e-mail to cdaffara@conecta.it. |