Daffara Conecta Telematica,
Carlo Daffara is head of research and development at Conecta
Telematica, a consulting firm specializing in open source systems.
Got his degree in electrical engineering with a research work
on novel approaches to the development of lightweight networking
protocols for embedded systems in collaboration with the University
of Durham. Since 1994 is involved in the linux and open source
movement, working as part of the Pluto Group, the Italian largest
linux user group. He is actively doing presentation work for
open source systems in italian exhibitions and meetings, with
particular attention to technical and programmer meetings. He
gave talks to the i2u conference in Milan, talks at the various
IPISA programmers' gathering and the Pluto Meetings. In 1999
and 2000, worked as evaluator for IST programme submissions
in the field of component-based software engineering. Since
2000, he is member of the Internet Society (ISOC) working group
on public software as part of the group committee, and contributed
to the open source part of the article presented by ISOC to
Unesco on global trends for universal access to information
email: cdaffara@conecta.it
Humenberger G.A.M.S., Austria Universidad
Rey Juan Carlos, Spain
Edmund Humenberger is working with Linux and Open Source since
1993. Back then he set up one of the first networked Linux machines
in Austria. He was trained as Electronic engineer, but is now
doing mainly project managment in the area of open-source. He
is active lobbying the use of Open-Source-Software in Austria
through Newspaper articles, PR work and exhibition-participation.
In 1995 he was technical director of the ARS Electronica Festival.
Since then he is involved in organising different Open-Source
Conferences in Austria and Germany. He is initiator and maintainer
of business-linux.at He currently works as chief-of-department
at g.a.m.s. EDV Dienstleistungen GmbH in Vienna/Austria where
is is implementing mid-size Linux-Projects. email: ed@atnet.at |
Lang INRIA, France
Bernard Lang is a Senior Investigator at INRIA, the French National
Research Institute in Computer Science and Control (http://www.inria.fr).
His scientific interest have covered a variety of topics including
programming languages, software engineering and more recently
the syntactic processing of natural languages. He is the founding
secretary of AFUL, Association Francophone des Utilisateurs
de Linux et des Logiciels Libres (http://www.aful.org).
Many of his papers on open-source/free software may be found
at http://pauillac.inria.fr/~lang/ecrits/
Jesús M. González-Barahona
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain
Jesús M. González-Barahona is currently teaching and researching
in Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid. He has a PhD. in Telecommunications
by the Technical University of Madrid, and some experience in
working for the industry (Telefonica de España, Sociedad Estatal
V Centenario). He also worked during 7 years for Universidad
Carlos III de Madrid. His current research areas are: Distributed
Systems, Reliable network Technologies, Fault Tolerant Systems,
and Protocols for Multimedia Transmission over the Internet.
He has being a libre software enthusiast since his first encounter
with the GNU tools, in late 1980s. Since then, he has used and
studied many pieces of libre software. He was a co-founder of
PDSOFT, the first Spanish group on free software (1991), and
since then has participated in the organization of several events
in Spain related to libre software. Currently he teaches a subject
on libre software. He is also very interested in the technical,
social and economic implications of libre software. email:jgb@computer.org
Ben Laurie A.L.
Digital Ltd., Apache Software Foundation, OpenSSL Group, Apache-SSL
Ben Laurie is Technical Director of A.L. Digital Ltd. (http://www.aldigital.co.uk/),
a core member of the Apache Group (http://www.apache.org/httpd.html),
a director of the Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/),
a core member of the OpenSSL Group (http://www.openssl.org/,
the author of Apache-SSL (http://www.apache-ssl.org/)
and co-author of Apache: The Definitive Guide published by O'Reilly
).He has been actively involved in free software since 1994,
starting with the Apache webserver. He has been programming
since 1972, professionally since 1978, and has a particular
interest in computer security and cryptography. His company,
A.L. Digital Ltd., is an Internet consultancy, specialising
in security, secure hosting, multimedia and complex websites.
email:ben@algroup.co.uk |
Werner Koch
Werner Koch was born 1961, he is married
and living in Düsseldorf. After school, alternative service
and apprenticeship as an electrician he started to work as software
developer in 1985 while also studying computer science at the
FH Dortmund. For several years he has been with a Duesseldorf
based software firm as principal designer of their software
framework. In 1991 he began to work as free-lance consultant
and developer. Koch is a radio amateur since the late seventies
and became interested in software development at about the same
time. During the years he worked on systems ranging from small
CP/M systems to mainframes, languages from Assembler to Smalltalk
and applications from drivers to financial analysis systems.
He uses GNU/Linux as main development platform since 1993, is
the principal author of the GNU Privacy Guard and on the board
of the German Unix User Group responsible for international
contacts. email:werner.koch@guug.de